Cancellation Policy
The Cancellation Policies listed below apply to all reservations unless the tour booked has specific rates or fees listed under “Special Notes”. Please carefully review the “Special Notes” of your tour prior to booking. Please know that Kite Travel will always adhere to individual tour policies of given hotel and airlines when applicable.
Cancellation Made Within
7 Days Prior to Departure Date
8-14 Days Prior to Departure Date
15-29 Days Prior to Departure Date
30 or More Days Prior to Departure Date
How to Cancel a Reservation?
We will process your cancellation/refund request within one to seven business days. We will NOT acknowledge any verbal / over-the-phone request or voice mail. Verbally speaking with our customer service representatives without filling out a request form will not guarantee that your cancellation has been processed or acknowledged. We will NOT accept email cancellations unless they have a complete, signed, and attached Cancellation Request Form.
- Cancellation must be made by filling out and signing the Kite Travel Cancellation Request Form. Please explain why you are requesting a cancellation.
Please download Cancellation Request Form here.
- Customers may also email a scanned/digital Cancellation Request Form with your electronic signature.
- By mail: Kite Travel | Opposite Ghazanfar Bank | Pul-e Surkh | Kart-e 3 | Kabul | Afghanistan
- By Phone: +93 777 211 210
- By Email:
Amendment Fees:
Any changes made to a reservation after successfully submitting the order online will be subject to the Airlines and Hotel Amendment Fee otherwise a minimum $30.00 Amendment